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Have You Thought About Planning Your Legacy?

elderly couple sitting outside

What do you want to leave behind for your loved ones? Surely not confusion, frustration, and strife—no one ever plans on leaving that legacy behind for their family, but many do.

Few Americans have prepared an adequate estate plan, and even fewer have a legacy plan. The reality of dying without any plan in place is that confusion, frustration, and strife can overcome your loved ones during an already emotionally challenging time for them. Planning for the future can prevent that, and it can allow you to craft an admirable legacy for yourself.

For what it is worth, a legacy plan is more than just an estate plan. It is a way of expressing your personal, financial, and charitable goals and leaving a lasting impact on the people and causes you care about.

There are many steps involved in creating a comprehensive legacy plan filled with love, but here are some of the main ones:

  • Define your vision and values. Think about what matters most to you in life, what legacy you want to leave behind, and how you want to be remembered. You can use some of the questions from this article to help you reflect on your vision and values.
  • Review your assets and liabilities. Make a list, including titling and/or ownership information, of everything you own and owe, including bank accounts, investments, real estate, insurance policies, debts, and taxes. This will help you determine your net worth and identify any gaps or issues in your financial situation.
  • Create or update your estate plan. An estate plan is a set of legal documents that specify how you want your assets to be distributed after your death, who will manage your affairs if you become incapacitated, and who will take care of your minor children or dependents if any. Your estate plan should include a will, a trust (if applicable), a power of attorney, a health care directive, and a beneficiary designation forms (if applicable) for each of your accounts. The estate planning attorneys with Kennedy & Ruhsam Law can help you draft or revise these documents according to Minnesota law and your personal preferences.
  • Incorporate charitable giving into your plan. If you have a passion for a cause or an organization, you can include it in your legacy plan by making a charitable gift or bequest. There are many ways to give to charity, such as donating cash, securities, property, or life insurance proceeds, creating a charitable trust or annuity, or naming a charity as a beneficiary of your account or policy. You should consult with a tax advisor and a financial planner to help you choose the best option for your situation and maximize the tax benefits of your donation.
  • Communicate your plan with your loved ones. One of the most important steps in creating a comprehensive legacy plan is to share it with your family and friends. This will help them understand your wishes, respect your decisions, and avoid any disputes or misunderstandings after your death. You can also use this opportunity to express your gratitude, love, and appreciation for them and to pass on your wisdom, values, and stories. You can communicate your plan verbally, in writing, or through other creative means, such as a video message, a letter, or a book. We recommend incorporating a letter, in writing, to your loved ones stating your intent and wishes regarding their inheritance and include it as part of the testamentary documents that are part of your legacy plan.

By starting with a healthy and detailed legacy plan, that is openly communicated to the family by the Testator, you can envision a world with less litigated estate cases. Knowledge is power and planning is essential. We hope this helps you create a comprehensive legacy plan that reflects who you are and what you care about.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us when you need further guidance on legacy planning or how to turn your estate plan into a legacy plan.

How to Avoid the Game of Love & War in Estate Administrations

Avoiding disputes and conflicts in estate administrations, especially when dealing with sentimental property, is essential. Here are some steps that attorneys and paralegals can take to help prevent the "game of love and war" in estate administrations:

  1. Thoroughly Review the Will or Trust: Ensure that the Decedent's Will or Trust was validly executed under applicable state law. This includes confirming the signatures, witnesses, and notary requirements. Address any potential issues with the document's validity early on.
  2. Gather All Relevant Information: Begin by gathering all the facts of the case. This includes identifying all parties involved, including potential beneficiaries and heirs. Understand the relationships and dynamics among family members and any potential sources of conflict.
  3. Create a Detailed Timeline: Develop a comprehensive timeline of events and circumstances leading up to the Decedent's passing and the initiation of the estate administration process. Include important dates, communication records, and any relevant incidents that may have led to disputes.
  4. Collect Medical Records: If there are concerns about the Decedent's mental capacity or competency at the time of executing the Will or Trust, obtain medical records and assessments that can shed light on their mental state.
  5. Financial Statements and Asset Verification: Compile financial statements for all assets and verify titling information. Obtain copies of bank statements, investment accounts, real estate titles, and any other financial records. Ensure accuracy and transparency in asset distribution.
  6. Review Tax Records: Obtain Internal Revenue tax transcripts for the Decedent and copies of prior years' tax returns. This can help in assessing the financial history and tax obligations of the estate.
  7. Communication and Documentation: Keep clear records of all communication between parties involved. This includes emails, letters, and any agreements or disputes. Effective communication can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  8. Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Encourage parties to consider mediation or alternative dispute resolution methods before resorting to litigation. These processes can be more amicable and less emotionally charged than going to court.
  9. Professional Fiduciary Role: Consider appointing a professional fiduciary, such as an attorney or trustee, to handle the administration of the estate. This neutral third party can help prevent conflicts of interest and ensure that the estate is managed impartially.
  10. Educate Clients: Educate clients and potential beneficiaries about the estate administration process and their rights. Clear communication and managed expectations can help reduce the likelihood of disputes.
  11. Draft Clear and Comprehensive Documents: Ensure that all legal documents, including Wills, Trusts, and estate plans, are clear, comprehensive, and leave as little room for interpretation as possible.
  12. Seek Legal Counsel Early: Encourage parties involved to seek legal counsel early in the process. An experienced estate attorney can provide guidance and prevent issues from escalating.

By following these steps and promoting transparency and open communication, attorneys and paralegals can help minimize conflicts and emotional turmoil in estate administrations, especially when dealing with sentimental property and complex family dynamics.

For more information on estate or trust litigation, please contact Tina M. Johnson, RP® of Kennedy & Ruhsam Law Office online or by calling (651) 369-7749.